Lokale Agenda 21
The Local Agenda 21 Vienna follows the model of sustainable urban development. It offers Viennese various opportunities to make their district and neighborhood more livable and to have a say in small and larger changes. The Local Agenda 21 Vienna is currently active in these two areas: Local Agenda in the district & Grätzloase.
Local Agenda 21 in the district
A program that invites people in the districts to actively participate in shaping their neighborhood. Here, citizens can exchange ideas and make suggestions to make their surroundings safer, greener and more livable. Together with citizens, administration and district politics, offers and projects are developed that improve the quality of life in the districts and contribute to the sustainable transformation of the city.
Viennese who want to become active and involved in their district will supported in:
- looking for like-minded people
- the development of the project
- imparting specialist knowledge
- Supported with organizational questions such as the search for suitable areas, permits, etc.
Local Agenda 21 is currently running in 12 districts of Vienna:
The Grätzloase action program supports citizens who are committed to improving quality of stay and good coexistence in Vienna’s neighborhoods. Everyone living in Vienna is invited to help shape it and submit actions or projects with the focus on “Green Parklets”, “Young Grätzl” or “Grätzlleben”. A jury selects the best actions. These are supported financially and with know-how for approvals and implementation.
- Green parklets create new meeting places for and by the neighborhood, which ensure a better microclimate through lots of greenery and shade. Do you have lots of ideas, but aren’t very skilled at craftsmanship? Then you can apply for a RONJA, a modular parklet.
- The Young Grätzl focus opens up new opportunities for children and young people to use and shape Vienna’s open spaces.
- Grätzlleben supports community activities and projects in public open spaces that strengthen neighborly coexistence in the Grätzln.
You can find further information about the Local Agenda 21 Vienna under the following link: Lokalen Agenda 21 Wien.
- FastRundeTisch 2022 © LA21 Wien Tim Dornaus
- ParkingDay LA21Wien MaxSlovencik
- ©
- ©
- ©
- Grüne Parklets © LA21 Wien / Tim Dornaus
- Grätzlleben © LA21 Wien / Tim Dornaus
- Junge Grätzl © LA21 Wien / Max Slovencik