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Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

Community Supported Agriculture is based on a community of consumers who support a farmer with regular contributions, making the farmer less dependent on trade chains and less subject to natural hardships. This group of people finances the cost of a professional vegetable farm for one season or year, and recieves local, high-quality, fresh produce – but also bears the risk of crop failure (from things like bad weather or pests). This concept is being implemented in and around Vienna by several farms.

Please get in contact with the farms directly for more detailed information.


Solidarische Landwirtschaft Hasendorf

Address: Hasendorf 51, 3454 Sitzenberg-Reidling

E-Mail: gundel.l@gmx.at, peter.lassnig@inode.at oder Kontaktformular auf der Website

Telefon: Gundel Libardi 0699/18125052, Peter Laßnig 0650/7076611

Web: www.ackerschön.at


BIOsain JahBauer

BIOsain, Tristan Toé und Jahwezi Graf, samenfestes Gemüse vom Wachtberg

Address: Am Wachtberg 78, 3571 Gars/Thunau am Kamp

E-Mail: ttoe@hotmail.fr

Telefon: 0680/32 16 521

Web: www.biosain.at, www.facebook.com/BIOsain, www.instagram.com/biosain_marketgarden


Gärtnerhof Distelfink

Distelfink – Solidarische Landwirtschaft

Address: Schredengasse 31, 3423 St. Andrä-Wördern

E-Mail: office@distelfink.bio

Web: www.distelfink.bio, www.facebook.com/gaertnerhof.distelfink


Gela – Gärtnerhof Ochsenherz

GEMEINSAM LANDWIRTSCHAFTEN – OCHSENHERZ, Verein zur Förderung solidarischer Landwirtschaft

Address: Fuchsenwaldstraße 90, 2230 Gänserndorf

E-Mail: gela@ochsenherz.at

Web: www.ochsenherz.at, www.facebook.com/gelaochsenherz


Leithaland Gemüse

LW Betrieb Leithaland Gemüse GnbR

Address: Keltenweg 2, 2443 Leithaprodersdorf

E-Mail: office@leithalandgemuese.at

Telefon: 0676/920 78 66

Web: www.leithalandgemuese.at, www.facebook.com/LeithalandGemuese



Ouvertura – Solidarische Landwirtschaft

Address: Am Graben 25, 2444 Seibersdorf

E-Mail: office@ouvertura.at

Telefon: 0677/62371197

Web: www.ouvertura.at, www.facebook.com/ouverturasolawi


SoLawi Waldgarten

Verein SoLawi Waldgarten

Address: Tannengasse 2/6, 2230 Gänserndorf

E-Mail: armin_aschenbrenner@gmx.at

Telefon: 0681/81 83 90 23

Web: www.solawi-waldgarten.at