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Vegetable Plots for Rent

For people, who want to only eat vegetables they grew themselves during the summer season, renting a 5 – 240 m2 vegetable plot from an agricultural business is a good option. Vegetable plots in Vienna are provided by various parties, all using the same basic concept. Tenants pay an annual fee for a prepared vegetable plot with seeds and seedlings. In May the tenents take over and from that point on, they care for and harvest their plots on their own. Dependant upon the location and provider,  they are supported with expert advice, assistance, and equipment. When the season ends in late October, the plots are returned. At these plots, certified organic farming is required of both the land-suppliers and the tenants. Because vegetable plot gardening does not yet have a common name, connecting gardeners with garden providers is difficult. Regardless, the demand for plots is so high that some providers are fully booked before the season begins, before there is a chance to spread the word.

If you are interested in a vegetable plot, please contact the respective provider directly!

Please select a district

Für diesen Bezirk ist leider keine Information vorhanden.


[Ackerhelden GmbH]


E-Mail: info@ackerhelden.at

Web: www.ackerhelden.at

FB: www.facebook.com/Ackerhelden.at, www.instagram.com/ackerhelden.at

Pflückgarten Haschahof

[DI Rudolf Hascha]


E-Mail: hof@haschahof.at

Web: www.haschahof.at/pflueckgarten-mietgaerten

FB: www.facebook.com/Hascha.Biohof


Selbsternte am Kirchenacker in Unterlaa

[Biologische Landwirtschaft Christine Taschner]


E-Mail: office@kirchenacker.at

Web: www.kirchenacker.at

FB: www.facebook.com/kirchenacker

Wilde Hummel – Stadternte

[Wilde Hummel – StadtErnte GesbR]


E-Mail: gartenfreude@wildehummel.at

Web: www.wildehummel.at


[Zentralverbandes der Kleingärtner und Siedler Österreichs]


E-Mail: oekoernteland@kleingaertner.at

Web: www.kleingaertner.at/service/oeko-ernteland

FB: www.facebook.com/ZVdKleingaertner


Selbsternteparzellen – Biohof Radl

[Biohof Radl]


E-Mail: info@biohof-radl.at

Web: www.biohof-radl.at/selbsternte-parzellen

FB: www.facebook.com/BiohofRadl, www.instagram.com/biohof_radl

Selbsternteparzellen – Biohof Radl

[Biohof Radl]


E-Mail: info@biohof-radl.at

Web: www.biohof-radl.at/selbsternte-parzellen

FB: www.facebook.com/BiohofRadl, www.instagram.com/biohof_radl


[Brenner Felsach’schen Gutsverwaltung]


E-Mail: biologisch@selbsterntegarten.at

Web: www.selbsterntegarten.at

FB: www.facebook.com/selbsterntegarten

Selbsternte Mödling

[natürlich & wild — Renate Weber e.U.]


E-Mail: selbsternte@natuerlichwild.at

Web: www.natuerlichwild.at/selbsternte

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