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Provision of Local Vegetables

For city dwellers, there are even more ways to get fresh green produce. On one hand are the Vienna Grocery Markets, as well as farms, which offer fresh vegetables from Monday to Saturday. On the other hand, many organic farms offer fully-stocked “Bio-Kistl” (organic farm share boxes) that can be sent directly to your home every week. Most farms offer a variety of box sizes and produce types to choose from. If you are looking for a direct link to Austrias organic farms, the quickest way is at biomaps.at.

The model of community supported agriculture offers the possibility to be supplied with vegetables for one season by the market garden for a membership fee, either by means of a ready-packed box or by freely taking vegetables from a provided assortment. In Food Cooperatives, members can self-organize to buy vegetables directly from local producers. The organization of a food coop is determined by its members and different initiatives can therefore be very diverse.

MILA is Viennas first participatory sumpermarket. As well as the Morgenrot cooperative it wants to create a food system that is ecologically and socially sustainable and works very closely togehter with the consumer.